
From Evolution



Test case ID






composing a mail

Opening the compose mail window

i) Click on the new button on the toolbar ii) Click on the arrow beside the new button and select mail message iii) Goto file > new and select mail message iv) Press <ctrl>n while in the mail tool v) Goto actions and select compose new message vi) press <ctrl><shift>m vii) Click on the mail id's present in the body of the mail or present in any open-office doc or anywhere else where the mail id is shown as a hyperlink viii) right-click on a message in the sent folder and select 'edit as new message...' ix) Select one or more files, right-click and select 'send to...'

Should open a compose mail window with the mail account on which the focus is present in the 'from' tab. For vii), the mail id that is clicked upon should be in the 'to' tab. For ix), a compose mail window should be opened with the selected files attached.



replying to a mail

Replying to a mail

reply to a mail i) sent only to you ii) sent to a list of recipients along with you iii) received through a mailing list iv) that is forwarded as an attachment v) sent by you to you To reply to the mail, select the mail and click on i) reply ii) reply to all iii) right-click in the preview pane or on the mail in the list or in the 'open message window' and select reply to all iv) right-click in the preview pane or on the mail in the list or in the 'open mail' window and select reply to sender v) open the message and click on reply vi) open the message and click on reply to all vii) goto actions and select 'reply' viii) goto actions and select 'reply to sender' ix) goto actions and select 'reply to list'

A compose mail dialog should pop-up with subject prefixed by Re: and sender in the from field. In the second case, the mail ids in the 'to' and 'cc' fields except the recipient should be present in the 'cc' field. The original mail should be in the selected format



forwarding a mail

Forwarding a mail

select the mail and click on forward ii) right-click on the mail and select forward iii) goto actions and select forward iv) goto actions > forward as and select a forward style iv) Press <ctrl>F iv) Open the message and click on forward v) Open the message and goto actions and select forward vi) Open the message and press <ctrl>f vii) Open the message, goto actions > forward as and select a forward style viii) forward a mail that is forwarded to you as an attachment

A compose mail dialog should pop-up with the original message in the selected format and subject as [Fwd: <original subject>]



posting a message

Sending a mail to one of the folders in the recipients email

i) Goto actions and select post a message ii) press <ctrl><alt>m iii) select a mail, goto actions and select 'post a reply'

The mail should be sent to the selected folder in the 'post to' tab in the recipients email



adding recipients

accessing the address book to add recipients to the mail

Click on the 'to', 'cc' or 'bcc' tab which pop up a window showing the address books and the addresses present in those address books i) search and add an address ii) add directly from the addresses shown in the pop-up window iii) search an address that is not present in the address book to add to the recipients If there are more than one account configured in the evolution, select an address in the 'from' tab from the drop-down menu

The addresses should be added to the appropriate fields



sending a mail

The user should be able to send mail to anyone within or outside the network.

Open a compose mail window and add recipients i) the sender himself, ii) a person within the network iii) non-existing mail id iv) a mailing list v) group created by you in the address book vi) mail ids taken from the address book vii) a person outside the network viii) using auto completion

The mail should be delivered to the respective recipients. In case, the mail could not be delivered, the user should get a mail saying that it could not be delivered to those recipients



sending a mail

Adding the recipients to the mail

Add recipients in i) only 'to' ii) only 'cc' iii) only 'bcc' iv) 'to' and 'cc' v) 'to' and 'bcc' vi) 'cc' and 'bcc' vii) 'to', 'cc' and 'bcc'

The mail should be delivered to all the recipients irrespective of which field they are placed in. In case recipients are defined only in the 'bcc' field, a dialog should pop-up for confirmation for sending the mail when clicked on send



subject and format of the mail

The user should be able to send a mail with(out) subject and in any format

Send a mail i) with subject ii) without subject iii) in HTML format to recipients who accept mail in HTML format iv) in HTML format to recipients who do not accept mail in HTML format v) in plain text format

The mail should be delivered however it was sent. In case only 'bcc' recipients are defined and there is no subject, the first line of the mail body should be shown as the subject in the received mail



attachments to a mail

The user should be able to send a mail with(out) attachments of different types and sizes

Attachments could be i) a mail (reply/forward as an attachment) ii) a picture attachment iii) a text document iv) a HTML document v) vcal, vcard, ical, etc formats vi) without attachment vii) of different sizes

The received mail should contain all the attachments that were sent



body of the mail

The user should be able to send a mail with(out) body

i) with some text in the body ii) no body iii) only with a signature in the body of the mail iv) with images, hyperlinks, tables, rulers, smileys, etc inserted in the body of the mail v) with body pasted from some article from the internet or any text, etc. vi) with text pasted as quotation vii) with images pasted in the body viii) inserted from a text file (goto insert > text file, and select a valid file) ix) inserted from a HTML file (goto insert > HTML file, and select a valid file)

The received mail should contain text in the body in the same way that it was sent



style of the text

Applying different types of styles and fonts to the text in the body of the mail

Text with i) bold, italics, underline, strike-through ii) indented iii) left justified, right justified, centered iv) normal, bulleted, numbered, roman numbered, preformatted, headers, alphabetical list, addressed text v) different fonts and font sizes vi) different colors

The received mail should contain text in the same style that it was sent



HTML mail

formatting mail in HTML

i) mark the check-box 'HTML' in the edit menu ii) select the option 'format messages in HTML' in edit > preferences > composer preferences > general.

If format mail in HTML is not selected or the check-box HTML in the edit menu is not marked, then text styles, indentation, alignment, images, hyperlinks, rulers, tables, etc should not be enabled



saving the mail without sending

saving the mail without sending

compose the mail as required, goto file and select i) save or press <ctrl>s ii) save as iii) save draft iv) click on close or press <ctrl>w, and in the pop-up window, select save changes

The mail should be saved in the DRAFTS folder or in the specified directory



sending a mail when offline

sending a mail when offline

Compose the mail and click on send or <ctrl><return> when offline

The mail should be saved in the OUTBOX and when we go online again, it should send the mail when clicked on send/receive.



Closing the compose mail window

Closing the compose mail window

i) Click on the 'X' on the top-right ii) press <ctrl>w iii) select close from the file menu In the pop-up window, select i) save changes ii) discard changes iii) cancel

i) Message should be saved in the drafts folder ii) Message should be discarded iii) Should go back to the same window without making any changes



hiding/showing headers

showing/hiding the headers in the compose mail window

Goto view and select or unselect the check-boxes of the fields that are to be shown/hidden

The compose mail window should contain the fields that were checked and hide the fields that were not checked



adding a mail id to the reply-to field

adding a mail id to the reply-to field

i) add a valid mail id in the field ii) add an invalid mail id in the field iii) the same mail id that is present in the 'from' tab

When the recipient replies to this mail sent by you, the 'to' field should contain the same id that was mentioned in the reply-to



inserting a background image

The user should be able to insert a background image in the compose mail window

Goto format > page... Click on browse under backgroung image and select a i) jpeg, png, or some image file ii) text file iii) HTML file

The image or the content of the HTML file should be inserted as a background image. In the case of a text file, an error message should be popped-up.



applying different templates

The user should be able to apply different templates

Goto format > page... Select a template from the template drop-down menu or change the text, link and background colors manually

The template should be applied to the compose mail window



wrapping text

The user should be able to wrap the text in the body of the mail

Type some text as a long line and select wrap lines from the format menu or press <ctrl>L

The text that was present as a long line before wrapping should now be formatted into more than one line



find and replace text

find and replace text in the body

find i) a space or tab or some special character ii) a single alphabet iii) a word that is present in the body iv) a word that is not present in the body v) an alphanumeric word vi) a number Replace i) a word, a number, an alphabet with a space or tab or special character ii) a space with an alphabet or a word or a number iii) a word with another word, an alphabet or a number iv) an alphabet with another alphabet, a word or a number v) a number with another number, a word or an alphabet vi) a sequence of words vii) all occurences of the 'find' string viii) only the first occurrence ix) while scanning through by clicking on the next button

Find and replace text with the appropriate characters



undo and redo

undo and redo actions that were performed

i) Perform some actions and undo ii) undo some actions that were performed and redo iii) Perform some actions after undoing some actions and then undo again iv) Redo actions that were performed as said in (iii)

The appropriate actions should be undone and redone



copy, cut or delete text from the body

The user should be able to cut, copy or delete text from the compose mail window

Select a part of the text through the keyboard or the mouse and i) goto edit and select cut or press <ctrl>x or click on cut ii) goto edit and select copy or press <ctrl>c or click on copy iii) press delete. Cut/ copy/ delete when there is i) no text selected ii) some text selected iii) some picture selected from the body iv) some text along with a picture selected from the body

The selected portion of the body/ subject should be cut/ copied/ deleted based on the action performed. If it is cut/ copied, then the selected portion should be allowed to be pasted anywhere



paste text into the body

The user should be able to paste text that was cut/copied from anywhere

i) goto edit and select paste ii) Click on paste iii) Press <ctrl>v. Paste i) when there is nothing cut/copied ii) when there is some text cut/copied from internet or a text document iii) When there is an image cut/copied iv) when there is text and some pictures in the cut/copied article v) paste text that was cut/copied from the body of the mail itself

Whatever was cut/copied should be pasted at the cursor position



Editing text in the body of the mail

changing the paragraph properties

Goto format > paragraph in the edit signatures dialog i) Change the alignment. Select a. left b. right c. center ii) Change the style a. Normal b. one of the headers c. preformatted d. address e. alphabeta item f. Roman item g. Number item h. Dot item

i.a) The text should be aligned to the left i.b) The text should be aligned to the right i.c) The text should be aligned to the center ii.a) The text should be normal (font, size, style selected by the user) ii.b) The text should become bold and size should increase according to the number of the header ii.c) The text font should be changed ii.d) The text should be changed to italics ii.e) The text should appear in a alphabetical list format ii.f) The text should appear in a roman list format ii.g) The text should appear as a numbered list ii.h) The text should appear as a bulleted list



Editing text in the body of the mail

accessing the spell check document

Goto edit and select spell check document (or) press <shift><ctrl>L. It lists the misspelled words in the signature one-by-one and their suggested replacement words. Take one of the actions i) Click on ignore ii) Click on replace iii) Click on skip iv) Click on back when on the a. first word b. last word c. middle word v) Click on add word vi) Select a different language vii) Access the document when there are no misspelled words

i) It should ignore the misspelled word and treat it as a correctly spelled word ii) It should replace the word with the selected word in the list iii) It should skip the word and still treat it as a misspelled word iv.a) It should close the po-up dialog of the spell check document iv.b, c) It should go back to the previous word v) The word that is treated as a misspelled word should be added to the dictionary under the selected language vi) The list of misspelled and suggested words should be refreshed vii) a dialog should pop-up that says 'No misspelled word found'