From Evolution
This structure contains all the parameters releated to the connection to the server (using libsoup)
session: synchrounous Soupsession, used for sending the messages, subscribing to server to get change notifications, FBA.
async_session: asynchronous Soupsession, used to queue the messages.
owa_uri: OWA URL
username: User name
password: User's password
last_timestamp: the timestamp which holds the last "Date" header received from header. Used in free-busy search to check modifications after the last search.
get_local_address_sock: SoupSocket to communicate with libsoup.
listener_channel and listener_watch_id: IO_Channel and id for the watching the notifications.
notification_uri: URI for libsoup notifications. example
subscriptions_by_id: hash table which maps subscription ids to the subscriptions
subscriptions_by_uri: hash table which maps subscription URIs to the subscriptions
cookie: Cookie read from the message header. Used for FBA.
cookie_verified: boolean flag