Evolution Keyboard Navigation Specification
From Evolution
- (For version 2.4: Evolution Keyboard Navigation Specification for Version 2.4)
(For version 2.6)
Contents |
- popup context menu => Shift+F10.
- create a new window => Shift+Ctrl+w;
- send and receive => F9;
- close window => Ctrl+w;
- quit evolution => Ctrl+q;
- switch to mail view => Ctrl+1;
- switch to contacts view => Ctrl+2;
- switch to calendars view => Ctrl+3;
- switch to task view => Ctrl+4;
- switch to memo view => Ctrl+5
- print => Ctrl+p;
- copy => Ctrl+c;
- cut => Ctrl+x;
- paste => Ctrl+v;
- delete => Ctrl+d;
- create a new item in current mode => Ctrl+n;
- create a new mail message => Shift+Ctrl+m;
- create a new appointment => Shift+Ctrl+a;
- create a new contact => Shift+Ctrl+c;
- create a new memo => Shift+Ctrl+o;
- create a contact list => Shift+Ctrl+l;
- create a new meeting => Shift+Ctrl+e;
- create a new task => Shift+Ctrl+t;
- open the preference => Shift+Ctrl+s;
- clear the search bar => Shift+Ctrl+q;
- contents => F1;
- Navigate Paned Windows
- Give focus to the next pane => F6
- Give focus to the first resize handle in the window => F8
- For more please refer to here
Keyboard specification for mail
general (CW is short for compose window;MW is short for message display window)
- navigate in or navigate out => Tab/ Shift+Tab/ F6;
- go up/down one page => Page Up/Page Down;
- go up/down one line => Up/Down Arrow;
- move to next/previous Link/embedded widget;navigate to attackment,press "Enter" or "Space" to view attachment => Tab/Shift+Tab;
- turn on/off caret mode => F7;(MW)
- save the message => Ctrl+s;(MW,CM)
- select all text of the selected message => Shift+Ctrl+x;(MW)
- undelete the message from junk => Shift+Ctrl+d;(MW)
- find a string in the selected message => Shift+Ctrl+f;(MW)
- show/hide the message preview => Ctrl+m;
- group by threads => Ctrl+t;
- load images => Ctrl+i;(MW)
- show the message source code => Ctrl+u;(MW)
- zoom in the message => Ctrl++;(MW)
- zoom out the message => Ctrl+-;(MW)
- chanage to normal size => Ctrl+0;(MW)
- select all of the messages => Ctrl+a;
- select message thread => Ctrl+h;
- remove all the deleted messages in folder permanently => Ctrl+e;
- compose a new message => Shift+Ctrl+m;(MW)
- open the message in new window => Ctrl+o;(MW)
- go to next unread message => Ctrl+]/ Ctrl+./ ]/ .;(MW)
- go to previous unread message => Ctrl+[/ Ctrl+,/ [/ ,;(MW)
- go to next message => Ctrl+Page Down;(MW)
- go to previous message => Ctrl+Page Up;(MW)
- reply to all recipients => Shift+Ctrl+r;(MW)
- reply to the sender => Ctrl+r;(MW)
- reply to the mail list => Ctrl+l;(MW)
- forward => Ctrl+f;(MW)
- move the message to folder => Shift+Ctrl+v;(MW)
- copy the message to folder => Shift+Ctrl+y; (MW)
- mark the message as unread => Shift+Ctrl+k;(MW)
- mark the message as read => Ctrl+k;(MW)
- mark the message as unjunk => Shift+Ctrl+j;(MW)
- mark the message as junk => Ctrl+j;(MW)
- mark as follow up =>Shift+Ctrl+g;(MW)
- apply filters => Ctrl+y;(MW)
Keyboard specification specialized for compose window(CW):
- print preview => Shift+Ctrl+p;
- send the message => Ctrl+Enter;
- save the draft => Shift+Ctrl+s;
- undo => Ctrl+z;
- redo => Shift+Ctrl+z;
- paste quotation => Shift+Ctrl+v;
- select all => Ctrl+a;
- find => Ctrl+f;
- find again => Ctrl+g;
- replace => Ctrl+h;
- check spelling => F7;
- insert attachment => Ctrl+m;
- plain text => Ctrl+t;
- bold => Ctrl+b;
- italic => Ctrl+i;
- underline => Ctrl+u;
- normal format => Ctrl+0;
- header 1 => Ctrl+1;
- header 2 => Ctrl+2;
- header 3 => Ctrl+3;
- header 4 => Ctrl+4;
- header 5 => Ctrl+5;
- header 6 => Ctrl+6;
- address => Ctrl+8;
- preformat => Ctrl+7;
- increase indent => Ctrl+];
- decrease indent => Ctrl+[;
- wrap lines => Ctrl+l;
Keyboard specification for contacts
- open contact editor => Ctrl+o;
- save as Vcard => Ctrl+s;
- select all => Ctrl+a;
- show/hide the preview pane => Ctrl+m;
- copy to folder => Shift+Ctrl+y;
- move to folder => Shift+Ctrl+v;
Keyboard specification for calendars
- switch to week view => Ctrl+k;
- switch to list view => Ctrl+l;
- switch to day view => Ctrl+y;
- open appointment => Ctrl+o;
- select today => Ctrl+t;
- select date => Ctrl+g;
- purge => Ctrl+e;
- move between calendar, taskpad and the folder list when moving around calendar => Ctrl+Tab or F6;
Keyboard specification specialized for day view:
- navigation through event items=>Tab or Shift+Tab;
- stop editing current event return focus to day view=>Esc;
- navigation through time lines and days=>Arrow Keys;
- change the duration of the selected block of time=>Shift+Arrow keys;
- change the duration to the time that begins the current work day => Shift+Home/End;
- go to the same day in the previous/next week => Alt+Left Arrow/Right Arrow;
- go to the first/last working day of the current week => Alt+Home/End;
- go to the first/last day of the current month => Alt+PageUp/PageDown;
- select the time that begins/ends your work day => Home/End;
- move a selected event through time lines => Alt+Up/Down Arrow Keys;
- open the editing dialog for current selected event => Ctrl+o;
Keyboard specification specialized for week view:
- navigation through event items => Tab or Shift+Tab;
- stop editing current event return focus to week view => Esc;
- navigation through time lines and days => Arrow Keys;
- move a selected event through time lines => Alt+Arrow Keys;
- open the editing dialog for current selected event => Ctrl+o;
Keyboard specification specialized for tasks
- open the editing dialog for tast => Ctrl+o;
- mark as complete => Ctrl+k;
- purge => Ctrl+e;
- forward as iCalendar => Ctrl+f;
- navigation through task lines and the new task line => Up/Down Arrow Keys;
- navigation through task status checkboxes and task summay editable entries => Left/Right Arrow Keys;
- check/uncheck the focused task status checkbox => Space;