
From Evolution



Test case ID






Enabling filters for mails

The mails in the folders must be filtered according to the defined filters.

Goto edit > preferences > mail accounts. Select the mail account and click on edit. Goto the receiving options tab and mark the check box that says “apply filters to new messages in inbox on this server�.

The incoming mails from inbox must be taken and appropriate action must be taken depending on the filters defined for that mail account.



Adding a new filter

User should be able to add a new filter and the filter must work appropriately

Goto tools > filters in the mail tab. Select either incoming or outgoing from the drop-down box to which you want to apply a filter. Click on add. Add the necessary conditions and actions. Select one of the actions provided in the drop-down list execute actions. Click on OK

The filter should be shown under the filters list and must function accordingly. If no name is given then it should be named as 'untitled<number>'.



Editing an existing filter

User should be able to add or remove or edit conditions and actions.

Goto tools > filters in the mail tab. Select the filter to be edited and click on edit. Make the necessary changes and click OK. i) Change the name of the filter like giving the name of another filter, ii) Change the criteria to execute the actions iii) Add a few more conditions and/or actions iv) Remove some conditions and/or actions v) Edit existing conditions and/or actions vi) Add a new folder and select that folder as the destination of the filtered messages vii) Click on cancel after making the necessary changes. viii) Click on OK after making the necessary changes.

i) The name of the filter must be updated in the list of filters that is shown in the main window. ii.a) Only if all the conditions are met the action should be taken. ii.b) Action should be taken if any one of the condition is met. iii) Action should be taken based on the new conditions that are added iv) The respective conditions and/or actions should not be considered v) Action should be taken based on the edited conditions. vi) The folder should be created under the mentioned location and the messages should be filtered into that folder vii) The changes made to the filter should not be saved and the filter should behave in the same way as before. viii) The changes made to the filter should be saved.



Removing a filter

User should be able to delete a filter

Select the filter to be deleted and click on remove and then OK.

The filter should no more be present in the list and messages should not be filtered based on that filter



Moving a filter up or down

User should be able to move a filter up/down in the list

Select the filter to be moved and click on up/down.

If one message conflicts on more than one filter then action should be taken according to the sequence in the list.



Creating filter from message

User should be able to create a filter from the message

Select a mail from the table in the mailer tab. Goto tools > create filter from message or right click on the message and goto the create rule from message. Select any one of: i) Filter on subject, ii) Filter on sender, iii) Filter on recipients, iv) Filter on mailing list

An add filter window should pop up with rule name as (a)and one of the conditions containing (b). If necessary actions are added and Ok is clicked, the filter should be added to the list of incoming filters i.a) subject is 'subject of the message' b) subject contains 'subject of message' ii.a) Mail from 'sender of the message' b) sender contains 'sender of the message'. iii.a) Mail from 'sender of the message' b) recipient contains 'sender of the message'. iv.a) 'sender of the message' mailing list b) mailing list is 'sender of the message'



Creating a vfolder

The user should be able to create a vfolder containing his own conditions

Create a vfolder i) select vfolder editor from the tools menu and click on add ii) Right-click on one of the folders in the left-panel, select new folder. Type a name and specify 'vfolders' as to where to create the new folder iii) from message a. select vfolder on subject b. vfolder on recipients c. vfolder on sender d. vfolder on mailing list iv) from a search

The vfolder should be created with the messages taken from the sources that match the conditions of the vfolder



conditions in the vfolder

The user should be able to add conditions to an existing or a new vfolder (or) remove conditions from an existing vfolder

i) do not include any conditions ii) include only one condition iii) include conditions that satisfy all the mails iv) include conditions that do not satisfy any mail v) select the match-all condition

The messages filtered should be checked against the conditions and placed in the vfolder



Sources of messages to a vfolder

The messages should be chosen from the folders that are mentioned under the sources

The sources could be i) specific folders only and a. do not add any folders b. add all the folders ii) with all local folders iii) with all active remote folders iv) with all local folders and active remote folders v) Click on add and select the folder to be included in the sources vi) Click on add, create a new folder and include that folder in the sources vii) Click on add and select another vfolder as the source viii) Click on add and select the vfolder itself

The messages from the specified folders should be filtered and be placed in the vfolder



Deleting a vfolder

The user should be able to delete a vfolder that was created by him

i) Right-click on the vfolder and select delete ii) Open the vfolder editor from the tools menu, select the vfolder to be deleted and click on remove

The vfolder should be removed permanently but the messages that were filtered into the vfolder should not be deleted.



Accessing messages in the vfolder

The user should be able to perform operations on the messages in the vfolder

i) View a message from the vfolder ii) Reply to a message from the vfolder iii) Forward a message from the vfolder iv) Mark a message in the vfolder v) Label a message in the vfolder vi) Deleting a message in the vfolder

The changes that are made to the messages in the vfolders should also be reflected to the message in the original folder



Editing an existing vfolder

The user should be able to edit a vfolder

Select the vfolder from the vfolder editor and click on edit i) add/ remove conditions ii) change the existing conditions iii) add/ remove sources iv) change the criteria to execute actions v) change the threads to be included to select the messages vi) change the name of the vfolder

The changes should be reflected to the vfolder and the messages that are to be a part of the vfolder should also be refreshed



Moving a vfolder up/ down

The user should be able to move a vfolder up/ down

Open up the vfolder editor from the tools menu. Select the vfolder and click on up/ down. Move the i) first vfolder in the list ii) last vfolder in the list iii) a vfolder in the middle in the list

The vfolder should be moved up/ down in the list and it should be executed in that order