
From Evolution



Test case ID






Encrypting a message using PGP

The user should be able to encrypt a message using PGP

Compose a message. In the compose message dialog, goto security and select PGP encrypt. Encrypt the message when i) the recipient's public key is known ii) the recipient's public key is not known iii) the recipient's public key has been changed and the wrong key is being used iv) the recipient has more than one set of keys v) the recipient does not have a key but a random key has been generated by the user on the recipients name

The message should be encrypted using the related person's public key and should be sent to him



Encrypting a message using S/MIME

The user should be able to encrypt a message using S?MIME

Compose a message. Goto the security menu and select S/MIME encrypt. Encrypt the message when i) the recipient's certificate is imported ii) the recipient's certificate is not imported or the recipient does not have a certificate iii) the recipient's certificate has been edited and the wrong certificate is being used iv) the recipient has more than one certificate and more than one certificate of the recipient has been imported v) the recipient does not have a certificate but a certificate has been generated by the user on the recipient's name

The message should be encrypted using the related person's certificate



always encrypting to yourself when sending a mail

The user should be able to send mails to himself always in encrypted form

Select the account in the account settings and click on edit. Goto the security tab and mark the check-box 'always encrypt to (my)self when sending encrypted mail' when i) key id is specified when PGP is used ii) key id is not specified when PGP is used iii) certificate is selected when S/MIME is used

Should encrypt the mails sent to yourself always using PGP or S/MIME based on the selected option



Receiving and decrypting an encrypted message

The user should be able to decrypt a message using his private key

Select the message that is sent in encrypted form

The message should be decrypted if the correct passphrase is entered



accessing an encrypted message

The user should be able to perform any kind of operations on the mail

i) Decrypt the message ii) Reply/forward the message after decrypting it iii) Reply/ forward the message without decrypting it iv) Mark the message v) Delete the message vi) Flag the message for follow-up

Any type of operations should be able to be done on the message



signing outgoing messages using PGP

The user should be able to sign outgoing messages using PGP

Select the account in the account settings and click on edit. Goto the security tab and mark the check-box i) 'always sign outgoing when using this account' ii) 'dont sign meeting requests'

If only first option is selected, all the outgoing messages should be signed. Otherwise messages sent for meeting requests should not be signed.



signing outgoing messages using S/MIME

The user should be able to sign outgoing messages using S/MIME

i) Compose a message. Goto security menu and select S/MIME sign ii) Select the account in the account settings. Click on edit and select the security tab. Mark the check-box 'digitally sign outgoing messages'

The messages should be digitally signed using S/MIME by extracting information present in the certificate. If certificate is not selected then an error message should pop-up saying 'Message could not be formed' when clicked on send in the compose message tab.



signing outgoing messages

The user should be able to sign outgoing messages

Compose a message. Goto the security menu and mark the check-box i) PGP sign when key id is a. specified in the security tab of account settings b. not specified in the security tab of account settings c. there is no key-pair generated for him/her ii) S/MIME sign when a. certificate is selected in security tab of account settings b. certificate is not selected in security tab of account settings c. there is no certificate for him

If the key id/certificate is specified and the correct passphrase is entered the messages should be signed and sent to the respective recipients. Otherwise if wrong passphrase is entered or clicked on cancel, an error message should pop-up saying the message could not be formed.



signing/encrypting outgoing messages

The user should be able to sign/encrypt outgoing messages using PGP or S/MIME

i) Sign the message but do not encrypt ii) Encrypt the message but do not sign iii) Encrypt and sign the message Sign and/or encrypt the message using i) both PGP and S/MIME ii) only PGP iii) only S/MIME iv) do not sign the message

The message should be signed based on the selected options



trusting keys in the keyring

The user should be able to encrypt messages sent to others using the key in the keyring

Select the account in the account settings and click on edit. Goto the security tab and mark the check-box 'always trust keys in my keyring when encrypting'

If the option is selected, the message should be encrypted using the primary/ secondary key. Otherwise should pop-up an error message when sending an encrypted message



Passphrase prompt

Should prompt for the passphrase when an encrypted message is accessed or when the PGP sign option is selected to send a message

i) Give the correct passphrase ii) Give the wrong passphrase iii) Click on cancel

The appropriate action should be taken if the correct passphrase is entered. Otherwise the action should not be performed.