Shortcut keys

From Evolution



Test case ID





Shortcut keys

open a new compose mail window

Should open a new compose mail window

In the evolution-mailer, press <ctrl>n or <shift><ctrl>M

Opens a new compose mail window with all the fields blank


Shortcut keys

Print a message

Should print the whole message

Select the message and press <ctrl>p

Should print the whole message


Shortcut keys

Opening a message

Should open the message in a separate window

Select the message and press <ctrl>o

Should open the message in a separate window


Shortcut keys

create a new folder

Should create a new folder

In the evolution-mailer, press <shift><ctrl>f

Should pop-up a window with a text box to enter the name of the folder and under which folder it is to be created


Shortcut keys

saving a message

should save the message in a text format

Select the message and press <ctrl><alt>s

Should pop-up a window with a text box to enter the name of the message and the folder in which the message is to be saved


Shortcut keys

opening a new evolution window

should open a new evolution window

Press <shift><ctrl>w

Should open a new evolution window


Shortcut keys

selecting all the mails

should select all the mails in the focused folder

press <ctrl>a

Should select all the mails in the focused folder


Shortcut keys

inverting the selection

Should invert the selection of mails

Select i) no mails ii) a single mail iii) all the mails iv) a few random mails and then press <shift><ctrl>I to invert the selection

Should remove focus on the selected mails and should place focus on the mails which were not selected


Shortcut keys

searching within a message

Should pop-up a window to enter the search key

Select a mail and press <ctrl>s.

Should pop-up a window with a text box to enter the search keyword


Shortcut keys

deleting a message

Should delete the message

Select a mail and press <ctrl>d.

Should delete the message and move it to trash


Shortcut keys

undeleting a message

Should undelete the message

Select a mail and press <ctrl>u.

Should undelete the message and move it from trash to the folder from which it was deleted


Shortcut keys

marking a message as read

Should mark a message as read

Select a mail and press <ctrl>k.

Should mark the mail as read


Shortcut keys

marking a message as unread

Should mark a message as unread

Select a mail and press <shift><ctrl>k.

Should mark the mail as unread


Shortcut keys

Viewing the message view as a threaded message list

Should reorganize the message view such that all the mails belonging to a single thread should come one under the other

Press <ctrl>T

Should show all the mails belonging to a thread under one another with the mail that started the thread on the top of the hierarchy


Shortcut keys

hiding and showing the toolbar

Should hide/ show the toolbar

Press <shift><ctrl>o

should show the toolbar if it is hidden and vice-versa


Shortcut keys

hiding and showing the preview pane

Should hide/ show the preview pane

Press <ctrl>`

Should show the preview pane if it is hidden and vice-versa


Shortcut keys

Sending/receiving mails

Should send/receive mails

Press F9

Should send unsent mails from the outbox and receive mails


Shortcut keys

Setting the caret mode

Should set the caret mode of message display

Press F7

Should set the caret mode in the message display, i.e., should show a cursor in the preview pane so that the text can be selected using the keyboard


Shortcut keys

Viewing the next unread message

Should set focus and show the next unread message in the preview pane

Press <ctrl>] or press . (dot)

Should show the next unread message in the preview pane and should set focus on that message in the message view


Shortcut keys

Viewing the previous unread message

Should set focus and show the previous unread message in the preview pane

Press <ctrl>[ or press , (comma)

Should show the previous unread message in the preview pane and should set focus on that message in the message view


Shortcut keys

changing the text size in the preview pane

Should increase/ decrease/ set the text size to default

Press <ctrl>0 to decrease the text size. Press <ctrl>8 to increase the text size. Press <ctrl>9 to set the text size to default

Should increase, decrease or set the text size to normal in the preview pane


Shortcut keys

opening the help window

Should open the help window

Press F1

Should open the helpm window showing the contents of the evolution user guide


Shortcut keys

clearing a search

Should clear the search

Press <shift><ctrl>Q

Should clear the search and show all the mails belonging to that folder in the message view


Shortcut keys

viewing the next and previous messages

Should show the next or previous messages

Select a message and press the up arrow to view the previous message and the down arrow to view the next message in the list of messages shown in the message view

Should show the next or previous message in the preview pane and should set focus on that message in the message view


Shortcut keys

opening the post message window

Should open the compose mail window with the relevant fields

Press <ctrl><alt>M

Should open the compose mail window with the 'from', 'signature', 'reply-to', 'post-to' and subject fields.


Shortcut keys

importing a message

Should import a message

Press <ctrl>I

Should pop-up a dialog to enter the details of the message to be imported


Shortcut keys

closing a window

Should close the window

Press <ctrl>W or <alt>F4

Should close the window


Shortcut keys

apply filters

Should apply filters on the selected mail

Select a mail and press <ctrl>Y

Should apply filters on the selected mail and take relevant actions


Shortcut keys

expunging a folder

Should expunge the focused folder

Press <ctrl>E

Should expunge the folder on which focus is placed and remove all the deleted messages in that folder permanently


Shortcut keys

moving a mail to another folder

Should move the selected mail to the mentioned folder

Select a mail and press <shift><ctrl>V

Should pop-up a window showing the list of folders in the evolution-mail. If one of the folders is selected and the 'move' button is pressed the mail should be moved to that folder


Shortcut keys

copying a mail to another folder

Should copy the selected mail to the mentioned folder

Select a mail press <shift><ctrl>Y

Should pop-up a window showing the list of folders in the evolution-mail. If one of the folders is selected and the 'copy' button is pressed the mail should be copied to that folder


Shortcut keys

replying to the sender

Should reply only to the sender of the mail

Select a mail and press <ctrl>R

Should pop-up the compose mail window with the sender of the mail in the 'to' tab and the original mail in the style set in composer preferences


Shortcut keys

replying to all

Should reply to the sender as well as the recipients of the mail

Select a mail and press <shift><ctrl>R

Should pop-up the compose mail window with the sender of the mail in the 'to' tab, recipients in the 'cc' tab and the original mail in the style set in composer preferences


Shortcut keys

replying to a list

Should reply only to the list

Select a mail and press <ctrl>L

Should pop-up the compose mail window with the mail id of the list 'to' tab and the original mail in the style set in composer preferences


Shortcut keys

forwarding a mail

Should forward the mail in the style set in evolution preferences

Select a mail and press <ctrl>F

Should pop-up a window with the original mail in the style set in composer preferences


Shortcut keys

forwarding a mail as an attachment

Should forward the original mail as an attachment

Select a mail and press <ctrl>J

Should pop-up a window with the original mail as an attachment


Shortcut keys

forwarding the mail as inline

Should forward the original mail as inline

Select a mail and press <shift><ctrl>J

Should pop-up a window with the original mail as inline text


Shortcut keys

sending a mail

Should send the mail that has been composed

Press <ctrl><enter> after composing the mail

Should send the mail to the mentioned recipients


Shortcut keys

Copying text

Should copy the selected text

Select text and press <ctrl>c

Should copy the selected text


Shortcut keys

Cutting text

Should cut the selected text

Select text and press <ctrl>X

Should copy the selected text and delete it from its place


Shortcut keys

Pasting text

Should paste the cut/ copied text

Place the cursor where the text is to be pasted and press <ctrl>v

Should paste the cut/copied text in the place where the cursor is placed


Shortcut keys

Pasting text as quoted

Should paste the cut/ copied text

Place the cursor where the text is to be pasted and press <shift><ctrl>v

Should paste the copied text as quotation


Shortcut keys

Opening the spell check document

Should open the spell check document

Open the compose mail window and press <shift><ctrl>L when there i) no text in the body of the mail ii) no misspelled word in the body of the mail iii) are misspelled words in the body of the mail

When there are no misspelled words, it should pop-up a dialog saying 'no misspelled word found'. If there are misspelled word, it should show the misspelled words and suggested words to replace it


Shortcut keys

wrapping text

Should wrap the text

Press <ctrl>L

Should place the text in more than one line


Shortcut keys

increase/ decrease indent

Should increase or decrease the indentation of the text in the body of the mail

Open the compose mail window, type some text and press <ctrl>[ to decrease the indentation and <ctrl>] to increase the indentation of the text in the body

Should increase or decrease the indentation of the text in the body of the mail


Shortcut keys

undoing an action

Should undo a performed action

Press <trl>Z

Should undo the performed actions


Shortcut keys

redoing an action

Should redo an undone action

Press <ctrl>R

Should redo any undone actions


Shortcut keys

finding a word

Should highlight the first occurrence of the word from where the cursor is placed

Press <ctrl>F and enter the search key. Press <ctrl>G to find again

Should highlight the first occurrence on first find and then on the next occurrence if find again is selected


Shortcut keys

replacing a word

Should replace either all the occurences or selected occurences

Press <shift><ctrl>F. Type some text in replace text box and in with text box. Click on find and replace. In the pop-up window, select i) Replace all ii) next (does not replace the occurrence on which focus is currently placed and places focus on the next occurence) iii) Replace (replaces only the occurrence on which the focus is placed) iv) Close (does not replace anything

Should replace the search key with the mentioned word


Shortcut keys


Should attach the selected files

Press <ctrl><alt>A

Should pop-up a dialog showing the folders and their contents present in your computer. If an attachment is selected an clicked on 'open', the selected file should be attached to the mail


Shortcut keys

making the text bold

Should make the text bold

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>B ii) ii) Press <ctrl>B and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be made bold ii) Text typed after setting bold should be bold


Shortcut keys

making the text italics

Should make the text italics

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>I ii) Press <ctrl>I and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be made italics ii) Text typed after setting italics should be italics


Shortcut keys

Underlining the text

Should underline the text

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>U ii) press <ctrl>U and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be underlined ii) Text typed after setting underlining should be underlined


Shortcut keys

setting to plain text

Should set to plain text

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>T ii) Press <ctrl>T and start typing some text

i) The selected text's font, style and size should be set to the font, size and style of the terminal font as set in mail preferences ii) Text typed after setting plain text should appear with a font, style and size as set in the terminal font in mail preferences


Shortcut keys

setting the text to normal

Should set the text to normal

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>T ii) Press <ctrl>T and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be set to normal ii) Text typed after setting to normal should be set to the style, size and font of normal


Shortcut keys

setting the text to heading 1

Should set the text to heading 1

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>1 ii) Press <ctrl>1 and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be set to heading 1 ii) Text typed after setting to heading 1 should be set to the style, size and font of heading 1


Shortcut keys

setting the text to heading 2

Should set the text to heading 2

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>2 ii) Press <ctrl>2 and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be set to heading 2 ii) Text typed after setting to heading 2 should be set to the style, size and font of heading 2


Shortcut keys

setting the text to heading 3

Should set the text to heading 3

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>3 ii) Press <ctrl>3 and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be set to heading 3 ii) Text typed after setting to heading 3 should be set to the style, size and font of heading 3


Shortcut keys

setting the text to heading 4

Should set the text to heading 4

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>4 ii) Press <ctrl>4 and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be set to heading 4 ii) Text typed after setting to heading 4 should be set to the style, size and font of heading 4


Shortcut keys

setting the text to heading 5

Should set the text to heading 5

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>5 ii) Press <ctrl>5 and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be set to heading 5 ii) Text typed after setting to heading 5 should be set to the style, size and font of heading 5


Shortcut keys

setting the text to heading 6

Should set the text to heading 6

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>6 ii) Press <ctrl>6 and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be set to heading 6 ii) Text typed after setting to heading 6 should be set to the style, size and font of heading 6


Shortcut keys

setting the text to preformat

Should set the text to preformat

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>7 ii) Press <ctrl>7 and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be set to preformat ii) Text typed after setting to preformat should be set to preformat


Shortcut keys

setting the text to address

Should set the text to address

i) Select some text and press <ctrl>8 ii) Press <ctrl>8 and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be set to address ii) Text typed after setting to address should be set to address


Shortcut keys

bulleted list

Should format the text as a bulleted list

i) Select some text and press <ctrl><alt>1 ii) Press <ctrl><alt>1 and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be formatted to a bulleted list ii) should start a bulleted list


Shortcut keys

roman numbered list

Should format the text as a roman numbered list

i) Select some text and press <ctrl><alt>2 ii) Press <ctrl><alt>2 and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be formatted to a roman numbered ii) should start a bulleted list


Shortcut keys

alphabetical list

Should format the text as a alphabetical list

i) Select some text and press <ctrl><alt>3 ii) Press <ctrl><alt>3 and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be formatted to an alphabetical list ii) should start a alphabetical list


Shortcut keys

numbered list

Should format the text as a numbered list

i) Select some text and press <ctrl><alt>4 ii) Press <ctrl><alt>4 and start typing some text

i) The selected text should be formatted to a numbered list ii) should start a numbered list